Proboscis monkey has largest nose. Male's 6.5-inch snout helps attract females and warn off competition. Several factors could explain the proboscis monkey's large nose. Experts suggest the nose evolved to boost mating sounds.
Proboscis Monkey
Tapirs have elephant-shaped nostrils. Tapirs can grip with their snout and mouth, like elephants. This aids plant consumption. Tapirs' noses became longer several million years ago. Predators use their trunks as snorkels.
Domestic pigs have big nostrils. Pigs with large noses have a keen sense of smell. Intelligent pigs. They find food. Excavators and movers. Pig breeds' nose lengths vary.
Domestic Pigs
Mandrills have the biggest monkey noses. Their nose is massive. Large, colourful mandrill noses attract females. Their bigger nose may help them detect nuts, seeds, and small animals when foraging.
Sawfish mouth is 1/4 of nose. Pristidae sawfish have the largest noses. Sawfish noses have serrations, not teeth. Long nose and serrations help them find food. These peaceful animals protect themselves using their noses.
Big-nosed longnose gars have few predators. Their large noses deter predators. Long, pointed teeth line their nose. They can bite and seize prey using their teeth and snout.
tree-like nostrils. Elephants don't stench like seals. Elephant seals terrify rivals with their nostrils during mating. Elephant seals have huge nostrils. Elephant seals' large nostrils save water during mating season.
Elephant Seals
South American coatis have the largest noses. Despite their large nose, these animals are linked to bears. The South American coati's snout helps it eat vegetation and tiny creatures.
South American Coati
Long-beaked echidnas are mammoths that lay eggs and have spikes for teeth. They have large noses. Long-beaked echidnas use their long noses to smell out food. This helps them find danger and other long-beaked echidnas.