These smaller apes are termed lesser apes. Gibbons lack tails. Long arms allow tree-living. Brachiating animals have little spines, long curled fingers, and rotatable wrists.
Brown-throated, maned, pale-throated, and pygmy sloths are three-toed sloths. These swimmers have three toes instead of two. Pushing is easier than holding and pulling. They're bad walkers but good tree-climbers.
Chameleons with ball-and-socket joints can climb. This joint allows movement. Tong-shaped feet grab branches. Florida and Arabia have veiled chameleons. Green-banded males have yellow, black, orange, or blue bands.
Greyish-brown lemurs have amber eyes. 33-40 inches length, 16-20 inches tail. These animals climb trees by hand and foot. When jumping or climbing, they use their tails for balance.
Three species of flying squirrels live in North America. Grayish-brown and 10-12 inches long. These animals "fly" utilising a membrane between their back and front legs. Spreading their limbs exposes a steering membrane.
They're speckled, 3-inch lizards. Geckos have setae-padded toes. This adhesive padding defies gravity and hangs on numerous surfaces. Geckos can climb without sticky feet.
Snails secrete a sticky mucus that helps them climb tree trunks, branches, and leaves. The mucus binds them. If the snail presses hard enough, the mucus turns liquid and it may move.
These lizards have strong claws for climbing. Because they can fall 50 feet without damage, they don't fear heights. They jump from branches when threatened. Strong swimmers, they jump into water to escape predators.
Leopards are arboreal because they can climb trees. They're so comfy in trees that they hunt and eat from the branches. Light-colored animals with dark markings. The design helps them camouflage in forests, especially at night.