Aries prefer active dates. People enjoy playing and competing in sports. You and your date may spend the afternoon rock climbing at the local gym. If you don't like exercise, go to a game.
The art of savouring the present is something you take pleasure in. Kick back and get to know each other on the best first date ever. A wine tasting at a local restaurant or vineyard will surely amaze you, Venus.
Spending time in the company of your pals is something you look forward to. This zodiac sign's social butterfly is all about original date concepts that will get people talking.
For this reason, Cancers may benefit from going on unusual first dates, such as to a performance that makes them feel all the feels or to a stand-up comedy event.
The zodiac was named after you because of your affability and attractiveness. Meeting someone for a date in person is exciting. Live music is a great place to be silly.
Mercury, the ruler, governs travel and communication. Maybe like outdoor or vehicular dates. Anything that helps you talk and understand each other is wonderful.
To win a Libra's heart, organise a picnic with charcuterie and wine in the park, a candlelit dinner, or a sunset at a gorgeous overlook or beach. A fashion display or makeover may help Libras bond.
the mysterious fan, are always down to check out new watering holes, bands, and locations. Diving bars and alternative music venues with karaoke make for great first dates.
Sagittarius, dating is clowning . Fantastic people, places, and things make you want a crime partner and communion. Jupiter rules relationships, requiring flexibility, pleasure, & distance.
The world sees your adorable and hilarious side when you let your guard down. You'd rather have a one-on-one conversation on a first date. In a lone competitive setting, axe throwing is great fun.
A scientific museum, comic book convention, or planetarium are good first dates for odd, unconventional, and science-loving people. Due to their compassion
ideal date would be to a drag show, acrobatic performance, or art exhibit. The energy of a live performance will encourage you to relax and let your guard down around your date.