Yellow or orange eyes give these birds an owl aspect. Its mouth opening and hooked bill resemble a frog's. Night hunters consume snails, moths, and worms.
Tawny Frogmouth
The barn owl is nocturnal, unlike other owls. These owls are the most common internationally and throughout the U.S. They search for food at night while screeching.
Barn Owl
Great-horned owls hunt at night. These sneaky hunters hover low or wade in water to find mice, rabbits, ducks, or little owls. They hunt in the dark using their eyesight and hearing.
Great Horned Owl
Flycatchers migrate at night. North American birds migrate south for the winter. Birds that eat insects migrate through alder swamps, thickets, and forests.
Alder Flycatcher
4.5-inch Yellow Warblers reside in northern and central North America. Spring and fall migrants are nocturnal flyers. Birds migrate at night to avoid predators like hawks.
Yellow Warblers
Killdeer are nocturnal. When the moon is full or almost full, they hunt for food at night. More insects and fewer predators likely contributed.
Mockingbirds don't always sleep. These daytime-active birds sing all night to attract mates and defend their territory. Nighttime slow flight annoys trespassing birds.
Northern Mockingbirds
Nightingales have loud trills, whistles, and gurgles. In addition to migrating at night, males sing all night. Males chant at night to serenade migrating females.
The American woodcock is a nighttime shorebird that hunts earthworms. These birds move at night at 50-foot elevations. Daytime, they hide in deep forests.
American woodcock