Snowy Owls 

Snowy owls can irrupt to Texas or Bermuda. This happens when snowy owls have a huge breeding year and plenty of food in the south. Food availability seems to drive their travel pattern.

 Red-Tailed Hawk

Red-Tailed Hawks are migrants. One-third of the population lives in Alaska, Canada, and the Great Plains. In North America, this group winters. North, Central, and the Caribbean have two-thirds of the population.

Eastern Bluebirds

Eastern Bluebirds move south from their northern nesting sites throughout the winter. They fly to the south of Canada and Central America.


Cariboumigrate in big herds. The Porcupine Herd migrates 400 miles each spring from Alaska's Brooks Range to the Arctic Coastal plain. Observations of their migration path show they span 3,000 miles in a zig-zag pattern.

Blue Whales

Large mammals migrate annually. Only the Arctic Ocean lacks blue whales. Summer is when they migrate to graze on zooplankton. Winter brings them to warmer equatorial waters.

Emperor Penguins 

Emperor penguins migrate 100 miles from the arctic shore to deposit their eggs each year. Each fall, women visit the same area. In winter, they return to the coast to feed their young.


Monarch butterflies travel from the north to the south each year. Eastern Monarchs migrate from the north to Mexico. Western Monarchs migrate from Canada to California and Nevada.


Pronghorns migrate the farthest. They pedal 300 miles between Grant Teton and Upper Green River Basin. Caribou is North America's longest trek. Pronghorns can go far since they're fast.


Each year, dragonflies migrate 14,000 miles to Mexico. Due of short dragonfly lifespans, the journey takes many generations. They've never migrated, but they know when and where.

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