Species of Texas Hornets, Bees, and Wasps

 Leafcutter bees

Texas has many leafcutter bee species. These bees make distinctive nests. Solitary leafcutter bees. A female will dig a burrow after mating.

 Mason bees

Mason bee nests are mud. In tree or reed holes, they build mud egg chambers. Gardeners can buy Mason bee houses. Glued-together wooden tubes make them.

Mining Bees

Miner bees are widespread in Texas and North America. These lonely bees nest in clay. Females nest close together in chimney-like tunnels.

Squash Bees

Only squash blooms attract bees. Canada to South America, squash grows bees. Male squash bees spend mornings amid squash flowers. He rests in flowers after mating.

European Honeybee

European honeybees aren't native to Texas, although they're widespread. Captive-bred by generations of Americans. Beekeepers rent hives.

Bald-faced Hornet

The only hornet in Texas is the bald-faced hornet, which is actually a yellow jacket. Their lack of yellow and white facial markings make them appear bald.

Mexican Honey wasps

Honey wasps in southern Texas and Mexico. They make paper-like nests in trees and bushes. They may manufacture and store their own honey, a delicacy in Mexico.

Mud Daubers 

Texas has mud daubers. Saliva and wood make nests. They catch, sting, and egg-chamber a spider. Mud daubers devour spiders before hatching.

Texas Paper Wasp

It lays 200 eggs. End of season, females lay female and male eggs. After hatching, females mate and establish new nests.

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