Customers are forcing Shake Shack to improve.

Billy Penn said the Martins donated to Sen. Doug Mastriano.

Mastriano's Christian nationalist ideas and election denials are well-known.

Shake Shack's smashed burgers, crinkle-cut fries, and Martin's Potato Rolls are famous.

The latter has become a cause for concern among customers after local Pennsylvania news site disclosed that the bun company's owners gave thousands of dollars to Sen. Doug Mastriano.

NBC News reports that Mastriano, a far-right Republican, has President Trump's backing for governor.

Billy Penn gained popularity as a Christian nationalist Trump-supporting election denier.

Jim Martin, the former president and current executive chair of Martin's Potato Rolls, awarded Mastriano $110,000 in 2021, according to Billy Penn. he donated $11,000 in 2020.

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