Sea lions are social and live in colonies. They cluster on buoys and piers. They swim about 30 mph. Sea lions are speedy predators.

Sea Lions

Northwest icon. They range from Alaska to California. Pacific Northwest humpbacks are southern, northern, and transient. Hawaii-bound Alaskan humpbacks. Many families travel.

Humpback Whale

Elk are North America's largest deer. 700-850 pound Roosevelt elk. 500-700 pound Rocky Mountain elk. Olympic National Park has the world's largest uncontrolled elk herd.


Orcas are marine predators. Orcas hunt in the Pacific NW. Family hunters. Their hunting is environment-based. Like wolves, these whales isolate and kill prey.


Pacific Northwest puffins are tiny seabirds. Yellow tuft and orange beak distinguish them. These birds soar above rocky beaches. Puffins breed on Pacific islands.

 Tufted Puffin

Northwest has two otter species. Freshwater otters include river and sea otters. Sea otters are rarely seen on land. Off the Pacific coast, they live.


Bald Eagles are the region's largest raptors. Seven-foot wingspan. The bald eagle can locate fish a mile away. When they dive for aquatic prey, they may reach 100 mph.

Bald Eagles

Gray foxes are shy nocturnal hunters. They eat rats and rabbits. Gray foxes are tree-climbing canids. When hunting, they hop between branches.

Gray Fox

Marmots tunnel. Social, playing, conversing. They eat plants, particularly flowers. Marmots hibernate. They lose half their body weight during hibernation.


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