
Beavers block waterways. They swim on webbed hind feet. In cold water, they can grease up to stay warm. They can reach 4 feet and 60 pounds.


Capybaras are South American water pigs or carpinchos. These animals live around rainforest lakes, rivers, and ponds. They swim and walk on muddy terrain with webbed feet.

Sea Otters

Otters inhabit coastal waters with soft silt or rocky bottoms. On their backs, they rest, eat, and groom. Webbed feet and water-repellent fur help them swim and dive.

Common Frog

Common frog names include grass frog, brown frog, and pond frog. Long and grayish-brown, brown, olive-green, or olive-brown. Frogs with webbed feet can jump and swim.

 Mallard Duck

Mallard males have a green head and golden bill. female bills are orange-brown. These flying ducks float and dive to eat. Paddle feet.


Only North American flamingo. Louisiana and Florida's Keys have them. In shallow water, flamingos stand one-legged. Their webbed feet allow them swim and mud-walk.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans use their webbed feet to produce currents to swim. Uniquely, they incubate with their webbed feet. Swans' feet keep their eggs warm.

Sphynx Cat

The sphynx has greater webbing. Long, hairless toes and torsos highlight the webbing. Domestic cats developed from wild cats with webbed feet.

 American Bullfrog

Bullfrogs are aquatic. Warm, shallow lakes, rivers, ponds, or bogs. Long, webbed rear legs make them good swimmers. Their toes lack webbing.

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