Chimpanzees hoard. They hold nuts and fruit in pouches on their cheeks. Chipmunks require caches for winter when food is sparse. So they scavenge in the wild and even invade camping gear.
In tree holes, woodpeckers store food. Woodpecker families stockpile food in one tree. Woodpeckers use acorns to patch holes. Birds come to the holes for food in winter.
Birds hoard food and things. People who leave them food and nesting supplies may receive gifts from their stockpile. Corvids scatter-hoard seeds to spread plants. Some seeds from little caches germinate.
Moles hoard unusually. They store living earthworms underground. Moles eat bugs and tiny animals. By chewing off their prey's head, moles can paralyse it with a toxin. They'll store food. Earthworms are a great snack.
Scavenging drives foxes to hoard. Prey food and bones are stored. Foxes save meat and bones for starvation. Foxes scatter-hoard extra food. Domestic and wild foxes do this. Foxes hide food automatically.
Hoarding colonising insects include fire ants. When food is scarce, they hoard food underground. Fire ants use soil and debris to store water and honey. Larger food bits are buried for later transport.
Squirrels hoard. Squirrels store food for winter. Red squirrels hoard in central spots. When food is limited, they'll raid these caches. Gray squirrels hoard. They hide food in their habitat. They sometimes forget about eating.
In wetlands and soft sand, fiddler crabs burrow. Carrion, algae, and plants are stored. These scavengers hoard food in their burrows. Rain and high tide hide fiddler crabs. Their cache nourishes them before foraging.
Short-tailed shrews are efficient predators and hoarders. They'll devour the first prey they catch and stockpile any others. Short-tailed shrews eat worms, insects, and mice. Seeds, snails, and fungi are hoarded.