
Winter is warmer for ruby-throated hummingbirds. They leave late February/early March. The reverse occurs in August/September. Migration depends on sunlight and food.

Snowy owls

Owls rarely migrate. Northern Canada and Greenland's snowy owls are an exception. They winter in southern Canada, New England, and the Great Lake states. Food availability seems to drive their travel pattern.

 Eastern Bluebirds

Eastern Bluebirds move south from their northern nesting sites throughout the winter. They fly to the south of Canada and Central America. Eastern bluebirds can migrate 2,000 miles. Most move less or not at all.

 Red-Tailed Hawk 

Red-Tailed Hawks are migrants. One-third of the population lives in Alaska, Canada, and the Great Plains. In North America, this group winters. North, Central, and the Caribbean have two-thirds of the population.


Caribou migrate in big groups. The Porcupine Herd migrates 400 miles each spring from Alaska's Brooks Range to the Arctic Coastal plain. Observations of their migration path show they span 3,000 miles in a zig-zag pattern.

Arctic Terns

Arctic Terns travel the farthest. Indeed. This bird annually follows the July sun. The arctic tern glides over large distances. Arctic terns migrate, so they're difficult to spot.


Monarch butterflies travel from the north to the south each year. Eastern Monarchs migrate from the north to Mexico. Western Monarchs migrate from Canada to California and Nevada.


Pronghorns can travel great distances because they can maintain high speeds. Pronghorns can sprint 60mph for an hour. While they can't run as quickly as cheetahs, they can do it for longer.


14,000 dragonflies travel to Mexico each year. Dragonflies travel in generations due to short lives. Dragonflies know when and where to migrate, but none have done so.

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