Because of its docile nature, leopard geckos are a common first reptile. Watching a leopard gecko interact with its environment is a fun and exciting experience.
They have a yellow body and a white spot pattern with black dots. Striped juveniles eventually become spotted adults. There are morphs with a variety of colours and patterns.
The Personality and Habits
A clean environment, not a cage, is needed. Leopard geckos are nocturnal ground-dwellers. Without sticky toe pads like other geckos, they cannot climb walls. Eyelidless geckos exist.
Leopard geckos are sluggish and non-biting. When hungry, leopard geckos chirp and squeak. You can socialise your new pet by carefully petting it.
Gecko tails talk. Leopard gecko enclosures may cause tail-waving. Slow motions. Leopard geckos rattle like rattlesnakes. If its tail rattles quickly, your leopard gecko wants to feed or mate.
Leopard geckos need a 10-gallon tank, but larger is best. Climb and hide using half-logs. Cardboard crates and commercial reptile caves work. Damp hide boxes aid shedding.
Temperature & Illumination
Leopard geckos mimic sunshine with incandescent light and heat. For a basking spot, use a white incandescent bulb during the day and a red-
At night, a blue, purple, or ceramic heat emitter. Summer days last for 14 hours. Reptiles that hibernate throughout the winter must have access to light for the whole 12 hours.
Basic Needs: Food and Water
Leopard geckos eat insects. Feed mealworms, waxworms, and crickets. Pinky mice can be fed to adult geckos sometimes. To avoid substrate ingestion, feed your gecko in an empty tank.
Always give your leopard gecko a modest dish of fresh water. Your gecko will sip from the water bowl, which adds humidity. A gecko may even soak willingly.