Eastern Moles live underground in North America. They can eat 25-50% of their own weight in their tunnels. Moles eat slugs, ants, and earthworms.
Barn Swallows
Eastern Moles live underground in North America. They can eat 25-50% of their own weight in their tunnels. Moles eat slugs, ants, and earthworms.
Eastern Moles
Bark scorpions eat live insects. They eat cockroaches, wax worms, mealworms, crickets, and fruit flies. These hazardous species climb well and carry their offspring for 7-21 days.
Bark Scorpions
The Carolina Mantis is grey to green. They devour moths, flies, butterflies, bees, wasps, caterpillars, and real bugs. As plant pest eaters, they can help manage garden pests.
Carolina Mantis
The giant anteater is the largest Vermilingua. Name-sake, they eat ants and termites. Long snouts, efficient tongues, and sticky saliva let these creatures eat anthills and termite mounds.
Giant Anteater
These green frogs blend into wetland, lakes, swamps, and ponds. These frogs eat solely insects and gather around nightlights. They eat insects, worms, and crickets.
Green Tree Frog
Tadpoles eat vegetation, while adults devour insects and earthworms. Sticky tongued frogs catch insects. Solitary creatures with grey, greenish, dark brown, or warty skin.
American Toads
Barn Swallows' small, wide, flat beaks grab flying insects. Mostly flies, wasps, bees, actual bugs, and winged ants. Snails, spiders and grasshoppers are consumed. It's common.
Barn Swallows
Pileated Woodpeckers hunt with sound. They use their barbed tongues to remove insects from tree trunks and logs. They devour bugs and caterpillars. Carpenter ants are favoured.
Pileated Woodpecker
Bearded dragons are popular pets. They're intriguing reptiles with changeable dietary patterns. At first, they eat 80% insects and 20% plants.
Bearded Dragon