How to Keep Your Horse in Good Health?

Suitable Stabling for Your Horse

The horse's owner can keep it at home or board it. A horse requires a clean space to exercise, a covered shelter, clean water, and decent grass or hay.


Clean stalls are required. Stalls are cleaned daily. Standing horses sleep, but laying down is best. Straw absorbs urine. Cobs and shavings make awful bedding.


1-2% of a horse's bodyweight per day should be hay. Frequent little meals minimise GI pain or colic. Most meadows don't produce enough hay year-round to feed a horse.

Salt and water are horses' needs. 5 to 10 litres a day, more if hot or active. Add grains if hay isn't enough. Livestock feed is poisonous to horses.


Coat&feet are horse husbandry. It helps horse and caretaker bond. Special equipment preserves a horse's haircoat, and bathing its feet keeps it sound.

Maintaining Healthy Feet

Similar to human fingernails, horse feet must be trimmed every 6-8 weeks. Your farrier may install horseshoes based on conformation and work.

Dental Care

Horses chew grass and grain. Their teeth grow and change shape throughout life. Every horse's teeth should be checked annually and rasped if necessary.

Preventative and Emergency Care

Essential: vet care. Vaccination and parasite control help horses live longer and avoid sickness. Vets can aid with lameness, lacerations, and colic.


Tack is any horse-performance-enhancing device. This includes a horse's bridle, saddle, or harness. Fit is important since different disciplines require different saddles. 

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