Buckwheat is protein-rich. Gluten-free, 5 g/100 g. Buckwheat contains magnesium, phosphorus, niacin, zinc, folate, and vitamin B6.


Red, green, or brown lentils provide high-value vegan protein. Lentils are an excellent and easy way to add protein to your diet.


Roasted chickpeas, chickpea salad, hummus, and falafel are high-protein vegan foods. 100g of chickpeas contain 8-9g of protein. Peas contain 8 g protein per cup.

Chickpeas &Green peas

 Nuts and seeds are nutrient-rich and provide amino acids. Seeds contain low-calorie plant proteins and omega-3 fatty acids.


Plant-based superfood. Vegan protein-rich Spirulina.This cyanobacterium is 55-70 percent protein. Vegans may benefit from Spirulina.


Quinoa has all nine amino acids. 8 g of vegan protein per cup of cooked quinoa. Vegan main dishes and salads contain quinoa.


Simple vegan supper is beans and rice. Protein perfection. Black beans, kidney beans, and rice mutually complement to produce a complete protein.

Beans with rice

Many vegan recipes include nutritional yeast. Normal servings include 9 g of protein and 4 g of fibre. Vegetarians win!

 Nutritional yeast

Vegan yoghurts use nondairy milk. Vegan yoghurts aren't the greatest protein sources, but a balanced vegan diet can offer plenty.

Vegan yogurt

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