Animals with fox-like behaviour

Deserts and prairies are coyote habitats. Coyotes and foxes share bodies, coats, and tails. Coyotes are omnivores that eat fruits, vegetables, insects, and grass.


Foxes are human-friendly, unlike dogs. Research shows Bronze Age people domesticated foxes. The noses of domesticated dogs have 300 million receptors. Dogs can smell heat radiation.

Domestic Dogs

Raccoons' black mask-like markings help them see during the day. Raccoons are opportunistic omnivores and will even consume rubbish.


Full-grown weasels are 4-10 inches long. Weasels consume mice, frogs, and songbirds. Like foxes, weasels have brown, black, grey, and red fur. Because weasels can't store fat, they hunt awake.


Like foxes, jackals are canids. Jackals inhabit Africa's bushlands, mountains, and savannas. Jackals eat insects and antelope. Parents raise lifelong companions.


Foxes mark and communicate via their scent glands. Skunks' scent glands repel predators. Like foxes, skunks eat underground. Skunks dig with long nails.


Foxes have narrow snouts and fluffy tails. Despite popular belief, wolves hunt in packs. Wolves can detect sounds 6 km distant thanks to their 200 million nasal sensors.


Red pandas resemble foxes but are related to raccoons. Chinese and Himalayan red pandas live there. The red panda eats insects and bamboo.

Red Panda

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