Bobcats have stripes or spots and tufted ears. Southern Canada, much of the U.S., and Oaxaca, Mexico have these wild cats. They like woods but wander into cities and are good tree climbers. They're solitary and territorial.
Bighorn sheep, as their name implies, have horns that can weigh up to 30 pounds each and curve outward. Western Canada and the United States are home to the largest wild sheep in North America.
Bighorn Sheep
Barking Tree Frogs are the biggest and heaviest tree frogs. They're found in Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, and other places. Living in pinelands and swampy woodlands, they're known for their loud barking.
Barking Tree Frogs
Brush rabbits live from Oregon's Columbia River to Baja California's southern point. After sunset, they emerge from the undergrowth and remain busy all night. These rabbits eat clover, buds, wood, and grasses.
Brush Rabbits
The Beluga Whale is one of the smallest whales. They live in the Arctic Ocean surrounding Alaska and Canada and have large foreheads. These social animals move, hunt, and live in hundreds-member pods.
Beluga Whale
The 100-foot-long, 200-ton Blue Whale is one of the world's largest animals. Small, they swim 31 mph. They are found in every ocean except the Arctic and the eastern U.S. shelf.
Blue Whales
Berlandier's tortoises are native to North America. In southern Texas plus three Mexican states. These placid critters have yellowish-orange horned plates on their shells and eat prickly pears.
Berlandier’s Tortoise
Blue Catfish live in the Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, and Rio Grande rivers. They're also used as recreational fishing targets. They can grow to 65 inches and 150 pounds.
Blue Catfish
US symbol is the bald eagle. Canada, Alaska, the Great Lakes, Greater Yellowstone, the Pacific Northwest, Chesapeake Bay, and Florida have populations.
Bald Eagles
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