Dogs are a great example of viviparous animals because almost everyone has seen dogs give birth. Breed and mother affect litter size. Average dog litter size is five to six puppies.


Everyone has been around kittens, and even dog people enjoy a fluffy one. Most cat mothers have four kittens, who are fully dependent on their mother for three weeks. They can't see for a week. Eyes don't open until 7-10 days.


Twin foals are highly rare and harmful for the mother and foal. A female horse can have 16 foals. Foals are born world-ready. Most can gallop by one day old. They can stand, walk, and trot nearly immediately after birth.


Almost every deer breed has one white-spotted fawn. Fawns are born mobile. Fawns hide in the underbrush as their mothers forage. Maybe one day.


Rodents have mastered childbirth. A sector. No other mammals or vertebrates can reproduce like rats. Female mice and rats can have five to ten litters every year, each with six to eight pups.


Cows give birth to a single calf. After birth, calves can stand, walk, and run. Young cattle take longer to grow and develop than smaller animals.


Seals, like dolphins, have live births. Unlike dolphins, seals may take it easy on dry land. Seals don't have to worry about their young drowning when they give birth on dry land like beaches or the Arctic ice.


Monkeys seem shorter than apes, but they still have one or two babies. Their children develop faster, and they reach sexual maturity earlier than apes, thus they reproduce more often.


Giraffe births are difficult. Height makes birthing risky. When born, giraffes fall six feet. It's believed that hitting the ground accelerates respiration and breaks the umbilical chord and amniotic sac.


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