Dietitian Madeleine Edwards says strawberries are high in vitamin C. Most mammals, save humans, manufacture vitamin C naturally, therefore it's crucial to consume enough.

Immunity Booster

Strawberry antioxidants may prevent cataracts, which can cause blindness in old life. Vitamin C protects our eyes from UV radiation' free-radicals, which can destroy lens protein.

Healthy eyesight

A robust immune system is the body's best barrier against cancer, thus vitamin C can aid. Another strawberry phytochemical is ellagic acid.


A robust immune system is the body's best barrier against cancer, thus vitamin C can aid. Another strawberry phytochemical is ellagic acid.

Reduce wrinkles

Heart disease is a significant cause of death among Canadian women, says the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Strawberries are heart-healthy.

Lower your cholesterol

Strawberry antioxidants and phytochemicals may lower joint inflammation, which can cause arthritis and heart disease.

Reduce swelling

According to Alberta Health Services, strawberries are a "medium source" of potassium with 134 mg per serving. Potassium may help lower high blood pressure by buffering the effects of sodium.

Blood pressure regulation

Maintaining a healthy weight is excellent for your overall health and helps prevent type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Weight-loss aid

Strawberry servings include 21 mg of folate, a B-vitamin advised for pregnant or trying-to-conceive women.

Prenatal health promotion

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