Dogs having a history of human violence should be kept away from triggers. Help people avoid getting bitten by dogs. Nobody wants their dog to bite them or another dog.
Dog fights are terrible. Dog play often appears like fighting, so it's hard to discern when to intervene. Learn regular dog play. When in doubt, separate agitated or tense pets.
Summer is a terrific time to be outside with your dog. This season is also hazardous. Summertime dangers include heat stroke and sunburn. Learn how to keep your dog safe.
A missing dog terrifies its owner. Wandering dogs may become lost. Some escape gated yards or open doorways by jumping or digging. Dogs taken. Learn how to prevent your dog from getting lost or stolen.
As dangerous as extreme temperatures can be, so can their opposites. Winter brings risks such as frostbite, antifreeze, and ice. How to keep your dog safe this winter.
Prevention is easier than treatment. Give your dog routine checkups Vet visits aren't just for vaccines. Your vet checks for unrecognised health issues. Your vet can help your dog before he gets sick.
Hot-weather dogs enjoy to frolic and swim. In the summer, keep your dog cool and safe to avoid heat stroke, poisoning, and more. Swimming and water activities require safety.
If you drive or are driven, your dog must ride with you. Many dog owners don't recognise the risks. Even a 5-minute car ride can harm your dog. Before driving with your dog, take many precautions.
Your dog's world has odours, sights, and adventure. Your dog might eat or touch poison. Dogs can be harmed by foods, plants, and chemicals. What can poison your dog? Guard your dog. Immediately treat a poisoned dog.