World-famous pollinators, honeybees. Honeybees make most food possible. People load honeybee hives onto trucks and drive them throughout the country, stopping at farms and orchards to fertilise crops.
fuzzy honeybees. Their hives have 50 bees. They eat nectar and disperse pollen like honeybees. Less aggressive than honeybees. Without barbs, a bumblebee can sting multiple times.
Every butterfly pollinates. Adult butterflies dine primarily on nectar and transfer pollen between flowers. Adult butterflies are vital to the survival and reproduction of the plants they feed, yet their caterpillars can be a menace.
Hummingbirds are named because the sound they make while feeding. Their wingbeats hum. As they feast on nectar, hummingbirds take up pollen on their feathers, which they wipe off on the next blossom.
Ants love flower nectar. It's a sugary drink, and ants love sugar. Ants are so little that they can sip nectar from flowers without touching pollen. While they're not major pollinators, they do transfer pollen between blooms.
Wasps look and act like bees. Wasps don't only eat nectar, but they like it. Like bees, they disperse pollen when they feed on nectar. They pollinate fewer flowers than bees, yet they're still crucial.
Beetles pollinated flowers during the Cretaceous epoch, when flowering plants first evolved. Whether they eat nectar or not, many beetles pollinate. Some species consume flowers, others nectar. Beetles pollinate crops.
Lemurs eat floral nectar with their hands to get at it more easily. Still, they stick their full face in the blossoms, and their fur gets polluted. They distribute pollen from flower to flower.
Honeyeaters and sunbirds in North America drink nectar from flowers. Large bills assist pollinate flowers by sucking nectar. Spider-eaters eat insects and spiders. This helps them without nectar.