Iguanas live in Central and South America, Mexico. One of their three eyes isn't noticeable and looks different. The parietal eye helps iguanas identify bird predators.
Two huge eyes are in front of the praying mantis' head, and three are on top. The mantis' three smaller eyes don't give vision. They assist the mantis sense light changes for concealment and hunting.
Chiton is an Australian mollusc. It's a couple centimetres long. Over 1000 tiny eyes make the chiton one of the most optically sensitive animals on Earth. The chiton's eyes help it evade predators by detecting water movement.
Bees have two large large eyes & three small ocelli eyes. The two huge eyes detect motion and the ocelli eyes help them fly. Each type of eye is designed for light detection.
Dinosaur extinction. Tuatara's third eye controls body temperature. Tuataras may generate body heat, but all reptiles rely on external heat sources. Its three eyes are powered by metabolism.
Eyes help starfish discover and stay away from attackers. Starfish eyes are small but vital to their survival. The starfish has five eyes on its arms. These eyes can detect the tiniest movement.
Scorpions have long intrigued mankind. Eight-legged predators have unusual eyesight. Most scorpions have two rows of two eyes. These additional eyes are thought to let scorpions sense movement rather than sight.
Box jellyfish have 24 distinct eyes. Others have been designed to recognise predators or prey. This gives jellyfish a considerable edge in the sea by allowing them to see in many directions.