Social chimps are incredibly social. Highly bright, they work together in many ways. 15 to 150 chimps live in groups. As omnivores, they hunt monkeys and other large prey.
Elephants are strong in herds. Despite having few natural predators, they're not safe in the wild. Apart from humans, the African Lion threatens elepha
They consume largely fish, but will kill alligators or caimans together. They protect their young. If they sense danger, like an alligator, they'll abandon their babies
Dolphins are family-oriented and breastfeed their newborns. Young dolphins, called calves, are herded to the group's centre when a predator approaches, like a shark.
Orcas are toothed whales like the Bottlenose Dolphin. The children cling to their mothers for the first several years of life. Females help raise each other's children.
Lions are smart and operate in pairs to hunt huge prey like zebras and buffaloes and fend off dangers. Aside from humans, African Lions have no natural predators.
Packs safeguard these close-knit families. A rival pack is a wolf pack's biggest threat, and members will protect themselves and their family to the death.
Hyenas live in clans. Each member of these clans has a role in their complicated social order. Hyena clans are ruled by females, unlike lion clans.
Prairie Dogs resemble squirrels. Surface primates operate in groups of 30. Either one two mating males, then females and pups.